Twitter Facebook Ford and U.A.W. in Tentative Contract Deal Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY THE NEW YORK TIMES from NYT Business 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook The Clintons and Justice Ginsburg on Judicial Nominations, Then and Now Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY ADAM LIPTAK from NYT U.S. 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Zuby: Kanye is thinking for himself, encouraging other to do so with politics Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Zuby: Kanye is thinking for himself, encouraging other to do so with politics 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Tucker: The left wants you to toe the party line Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Tucker: The left wants you to toe the party line 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Gutfeld on Obama calling out cancel culture Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Gutfeld on Obama calling out cancel culture 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Hiram Sasser: Trump judicial pick in tears -- Left has again deployed lies, smears to destroy a nominee Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Hiram Sasser: Trump judicial pick in tears -- Left has again deployed lies, smears to destroy a nominee 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: R. Kelly skips court hearing over worries his infected toenail might get stepped on Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں R. Kelly skips court hearing over worries his infected toenail might get stepped on 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Baghdad's Green Zone targeted by rocket fire; Iraqi soldier killed Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Baghdad's Green Zone targeted by rocket fire; Iraqi soldier killed 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: China releases controversial 'morality' guidelines Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں China releases controversial 'morality' guidelines 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Your Move, Facebook Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY KARA SWISHER from NYT Opinion 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and more comedians weigh in, bluntly, on 'cancel culture' Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle and more comedians weigh in, bluntly, on 'cancel culture' 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Nicky Hilton talks Halloween costumes: ‘I am a mother of two little girls, I can’t do the risqué look anymore’ Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Nicky Hilton talks Halloween costumes: ‘I am a mother of two little girls, I can’t do the risqué look anymore’ 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Country singer Kane Brown and wife Katelyn welcome first child together Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Country singer Kane Brown and wife Katelyn welcome first child together 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Kate Upton claps back at 'dumb misogynist comments' after speaking out about World Series controversy Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Kate Upton claps back at 'dumb misogynist comments' after speaking out about World Series controversy 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook How to Eat Alone (and Like It) Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY JESS MCHUGH from NYT Smarter Living 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Georgia Plans to Purge 300,000 Names From Its Voter Rolls Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY NICHOLAS CASEY from NYT U.S. 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Stick to Sports? No Way. Deadspin Journalists Quit en Masse. Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY MARC TRACY from NYT Business 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Hundreds of U.S. Troops Leaving, and Also Arriving in, Syria Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY ERIC SCHMITT AND HELENE COOPER from NYT World 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Iraq Prime Minister Pressed to Quit as Protests Clog Streets Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY ALISSA J. RUBIN from NYT World 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Former Juul executive claims company sold tainted products Al-Sharif Group 10/31/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Former Juul executive claims company sold tainted products 31Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Why New York Can’t Pick Up Its Trash Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY THE EDITORIAL BOARD from NYT Opinion 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Biden on being denied communion: 'I'm a practicing Catholic, I practice my faith' Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Biden on being denied communion: 'I'm a practicing Catholic, I practice my faith' 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: llhan Omar votes 'present' on bill condemning Armenian genocide Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں llhan Omar votes 'present' on bill condemning Armenian genocide 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Is America ready for a woman of color to be president? Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Is America ready for a woman of color to be president? 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Appeals court temporarily blocks release of Mueller grand jury material to Democrats Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Appeals court temporarily blocks release of Mueller grand jury material to Democrats 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Gingrich: Democrats' impeachment resolution is a joke Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Gingrich: Democrats' impeachment resolution is a joke 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Frank Luntz on what makes a winning political ad Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Frank Luntz on what makes a winning political ad 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: House recognizes Armenian genocide in rebuke to Turkey Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں House recognizes Armenian genocide in rebuke to Turkey 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Republicans say resolution affirming impeachment inquiry proves the Democrat-led process is unfair Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Republicans say resolution affirming impeachment inquiry proves the Democrat-led process is unfair 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: President Trump rails against impeachment inquiry on Twitter Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں President Trump rails against impeachment inquiry on Twitter 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Toyota’s Support of Trump Emissions Rules Shocks Californians Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY TIFFANY HSU from NYT Business 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Arizona Border Patrol finds 30 migrants hidden in semitrailer Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Arizona Border Patrol finds 30 migrants hidden in semitrailer 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: California boy, 13, complained of bullying at school days before fatal sucker punch, attorney says Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں California boy, 13, complained of bullying at school days before fatal sucker punch, attorney says 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Christina Anstead, husband Ant celebrate 2 years together: ‘Fate was dealing me a lucky hand’ Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Christina Anstead, husband Ant celebrate 2 years together: ‘Fate was dealing me a lucky hand’ 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Puppy accidentally starts fire, causes thousands of dollars in damage Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Puppy accidentally starts fire, causes thousands of dollars in damage 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Kanye West claims Democrats have 'brainwashed' black Americans and effectively forces them to 'abort their children' Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Kanye West claims Democrats have 'brainwashed' black Americans and effectively forces them to 'abort their children' 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Arnold Schwarzenegger avoided certain roles early in his acting career Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Arnold Schwarzenegger avoided certain roles early in his acting career 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Woman Who Oversaw Robberies Targeting Asians and Indians Gets 37 Years in Prison Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY MARIEL PADILLA from NYT U.S. 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook 72 British Lawmakers Condemn ‘Colonial’ Coverage of Meghan Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY ALAN YUHAS from NYT World 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook House Passes Resolution Recognizing Armenian Genocide Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY CATIE EDMONDSON AND RICK GLADSTONE from NYT U.S. 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Despair for Many and Silver Linings for Some in California Wildfires Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY THOMAS FULLER, JULIE TURKEWITZ AND JOSE A. DEL REAL from NYT U.S. 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Can the Nationals and Astros Turn This World Series Into a Classic? Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY TYLER KEPNER from NYT Sports 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook ‘Fear’ Review: 3 Men in a Shed, 1 Missing Girl on Their Minds Al-Sharif Group 10/30/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY ELISABETH VINCENTELLI from NYT Theater 30Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Judge reopens Covington Catholic High student's defamation suit against Washington Post Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Judge reopens Covington Catholic High student's defamation suit against Washington Post 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Cornell student, 18, found dead in gorge after frat party, reports say Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Cornell student, 18, found dead in gorge after frat party, reports say 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Army Officer on White House Staff Reported Concerns on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY DANNY HAKIM from NYT U.S. 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook FOX NEWS: Piers Morgan on Democrats hating Trump more than al-Baghdadi Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں Piers Morgan on Democrats hating Trump more than al-Baghdadi 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook An Alternative to the Salad Spinner Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT from NYT Food 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Cookbook Authors Discuss Jewish Cuisine Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT from NYT Food 29Oct2019
Twitter Facebook Flavored Salts From Momofuku Al-Sharif Group 10/29/2019 خبریں،نیوز،تازہ خبریں By BY FLORENCE FABRICANT from NYT Food 29Oct2019