Balochistan frees 75 medical students, withdraws FIR

The Balochistan Home Department has withdrawn an FIR against medical students in Quetta and the police have released 75 detained students.

They were arrested on Friday as they protested against an online test.

The released students were driven from the jail to the ongoing sit-in outside the commissioner office where they rejoined their comrades at the protest on Saturday night.

Balochistan government spokesman Liaquat Shahwani said that students were the country’s future they deserved to be at educational institutions, not at police stations.

Earlier, photos showing the detained students behind bars were posted on social media platforms.

Shahwani said medical students from other provinces had also expressed concerns over the online test and the issue would be raised with the Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC).

He said the PMC should take serious steps to address the legitimate demands of students.

Medical students in Quetta are protesting against online tests, demanding that physical tests be taken instead of online.

from SAMAA

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