12/01/2021 - 01/01/2022

Manchester United’s match at Brentford on Tuesday was postponed as the English Premier League reported a record number of Covid-19 cases, with the virus threatening to disrupt the busy Christmas fixture list.

It came hours after the Old Trafford club closed their Carrington training complex because of several players and staff members testing positive for coronavirus.

The Premier League Board took the decision to postpone the Brentford clash “based on guidance from medical advisors”, said a Manchester United statement.

United’s fixture in west London was the second Premier League game to fall to the virus in three days, after Tottenham Hotspur’s match at Brighton on Sunday was called off.

“Manchester United can confirm that our Premier League fixture at Brentford FC, on Tuesday 14 December at 19:30, has been postponed and will be rescheduled in due course,” a United statement late Monday said.

With the Omicron variant sweeping across Britain, there are growing virus issues at several Premier League clubs.

The Premier League on Monday reported 42 new Covid-19 cases in the past week — a seven-day record since testing figures started being released in May 2020 — up from 12 cases the previous week.

More fixtures could come under threat with Brighton, Tottenham, Leicester City, Aston Villa and Norwich City all reporting confirmed Covid-19 cases in recent days.

Norwich are due to host Villa on Tuesday, while Tottenham are scheduled to travel to Leicester on Thursday.

All of United’s players tested negative before Saturday’s match at Norwich, but it was reported a group of players and staff tested positive on Sunday.

“Following PCR confirmation of positive tests among the first-team staff and players, the outbreak requires ongoing surveillance with individuals who tested positive isolating in line with Premier League protocols,” added the United statement.

Emergency measures

The Premier League last week instructed all clubs to reinstate Covid-19 restrictions, including a return to social distancing and mask wearing.

“With the health of players and staff the priority, and in light of the recent rise in Covid-19 cases across the country, the Premier League has reintroduced emergency measures,” the Premier League reiterated in a statement late Monday. 

“These include protocols such as more frequent testing, wearing face coverings while indoors, observing social distancing and limiting treatment time.”

Brentford expressed disappointment for their supporters at the postponement, but said the “health and safety of both clubs’ players and staff must always come first”.

Aston Villa manager Steven Gerrard said that his team had a virus outbreak involving “a couple of staff members and a couple of players” which led to the club cancelling training on Sunday.

However, the squad trained as normal on Monday ahead of their trip to Carrow Road, where United won 1-0 on Saturday.

“We retested this morning and we have got a couple of staff and a couple of players missing for the foreseeable future,” said Gerrard.

“But the vast majority have come through the test this morning and we look forward to competing against Norwich.”

Brighton manager Graham Potter said there were “three or four” positive tests among his squad, but their match against Wolves on Wednesday was not currently under threat.

Tottenham boss Antonio Conte admitted he had been “scared” by the outbreak at the north London club, which also caused their European fixture against Rennes last week to be called off after eight players and five members of Spurs’ staff tested positive.

Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta last week called for the Premier League to issue clearer guidelines on how many positive tests should trigger a postponement.

Arteta’s side lost at Brentford on the opening weekend of this season when their game went ahead despite four positive tests.

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Alizeh Shah is making news not just for walking the ramp but also for tripping on her bridal gown at the 19th HUM Bridal Couture Week.

The elaborate fashion fair concluded on Sunday and featured bridal creations from popular designers. Apart from supermodels, top faces from the entertainment industry strutted ravishing outfits as showstoppers. 

The event was attended by Ushna Shah, Hania Aamir, Junaid Khan, Mansha Pasha, Minal Khan, Mawra Hocane, Imran Ashraf, Aagha Noor and many others. Singers Bilal Saeed and Shazia Manzoor delivered dazzling performances featuring their hit dance numbers.

Although this year’s bridal couture week had many highlights, including Federal Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry’s wife Hiba showcasing her Nisa Hussain collection, it was Alizeh Shah and Shazia Manzoor who were all over social media on Monday.

Alizeh was being escorted backstage by Shazia Manzoor after completing her walk when she slipped on the ramp and was assisted by Shazia as she got back up in fits of laughter.

“Last night was a rollercoaster full of emotions and a fall which was led by a confusion where I was going towards the left side and Shazia Manzoor thought we had to go to the right and I slipped,” Alizeh wrote. “But what a fireball of energy Shazia jee has that she picked me back up with so much love, and I was motivated by colleagues Amar Khan and all the amazing models who were working tirelessly throughout this three-day event.”

Alizeh Shah thanked her designer Hiba Fawad and remarked that she felt good being around “strong and powerful women”.

“Life is full of ups and downs and some falls too, but never think that it’s over, together we will make a positive difference.”

Shazia Manzoor, in an interview with BBC Urdu, remarked that the fall was one of the moments that people “enjoyed”.

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Northwesterly winds have entered Karachi and it is predicted that the temperature in the city will drop to single digits, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department.

On Tuesday, mercury in the city was recorded at 13 degrees Celcius. The Met Office has forecast cold and dry weather in Sindh throughout this week.

It said that the temperature in the city is expected to drop to single digits, between 9 and 11 degrees Celcius, from Wednesday, December 15.

Experts have warned that the cold will intensify in the upcoming week. 

On December 11, Karachi recorded its coldest day of the season so far after the temperature dropped to 10 degrees. Earlier, chief meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz said that the coldest winter month this year across Pakistan will be January. “This is the period you should actually be prepping up for,” he cautioned.

The Met Office has, on the other hand, forecast light rain and snow in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan in December. Last week, mercury in the upper parts of the provinces dipped below freezing point.

The lowest temperature of -10 degrees was recorded in Skardu, followed by Astore, Hunza, Kalam, Dir, Bagrot, and Gilgit. In Balochistan, the mercury in Quetta and Kalat was recorded at -4 degrees.

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The federal government has paid Rs1.6 million to the family of Imran Khan, a man who is said to have gone missing in Islamabad five years ago, Deputy Attorney General Syed Muhammad Tayyab Shah told the Islamabad High Court.

At a hearing on Tuesday, Justice Athar Minallah asked Khan’s family to confirm if they received the payment. Their lawyer replied that half of the amount has been paid.

Earlier, in August, the court had instructed the Ministry of Human Rights to pay monthly compensation to Khan’s family.

During the proceedings, Justice Minallah remarked that enforced disappearances are the worst violation of human rights across the world. He has directed the ministry’s secretary to work on the recovery of the citizen.

“The case was processed by the Interior Ministry. We will take over it now,” he assured.

The court, consequently, said that Khan’s case should be merged with other cases of missing persons and adjourned it.

On Monday, Justice Minallah, in a case pertaining to the missing blogger Mudassar Naaru, remarked that Pakistan’s “chief executives” are ultimately responsible for enforced disappearances.

He suggested that a hall of shame should be created and the names and pictures of all these executives should be placed there. He remarked that, unfortunately, enforcement disappearances are “a stain on Pakistan’s reputation” and “the worst form of corruption”.

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The National Command and Operation Centre has allowed Pakistanis stranded in countries placed on Category C countries to return to the country without exemption before December 31.

These countries include South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Botswana, Hong Kong, Netherland, Slovenia, Ukraine, Vietnam, Poland, Ireland, Hungary, and Croatia. 

Travelers from these countries will, however, be required to follow health and testing protocols which include:

  • Vaccination certificate/ proof of vaccination 
  • Negative PCR report pre-boarding (maximum 48 hours old) 
  • Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) on arrival 
  • Mandatory quarantine  

According to NCOC, as vaccination of 15 to 18 years of age has not started in a few countries therefore mandatory full vaccination for inbound passengers between 15 to 18 years of age has been extended till January 31, 2022, instead of December 1, 2021. 

The decision was taken a day after Pakistan confirmed its first Omicron case of the coronavirus.

Earlier, the forum has banned inbound passengers from Category C countries, mostly European. It added that only ‘essential’ travel from those countries would be possible, subject to an exemption certificate from a special committee.

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The Islamabad High Court has deferred forming charges against former Gilgit-Baltistan judge Rana Shamim till December 20.

Justice (retd) Shamim had claimed in the affidavit, recorded allegedly on November 10, that three years ago the then Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Nisar ordered the lower judiciary to delay the release of Nawaz Sharif and his daughter Maryam Nawaz until after the 2018 general elections. The contents of the alleged affidavit were published by The News.

IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah took notice of the report by The News and initiated contempt of court proceedings on November 16.

On Monday, the court resumed hearing of the contempt case related to the publication of an affidavit in which Rana Shamim accused ex-chief justice of Pakistan Saqib Nisar of denying bail to PML-N leaders.

Justice Athar Minallah has, once again, instructed the former GB judge to present the original copy of the affidavit in court. At the previous hearing, Rana Shamim was told to submit the original document or face charges.

During the proceeding on Monday, senior journalist Ansar Abbasi, Jang Group editor Amer Ghouri, and Attorney General Khalid Jawed were present.

At the beginning of the hearing, Justice Minallah asked why a newspaper would publish something which could “tarnish the image” of a top judge.

Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists (PFUJ) secretary-general Nasir Zaidi, who is the impartial advisor to the court in the case, said that a journalist’s responsibility is to publish a news story on the basis of facts.

Justice Minallah replied that the news story gives an impression that the judge takes directions from other people. “The story should have mentioned that the judge [Saqib Nisar] was on leave during those days.”

“The public’s trust in this court has been damaged by one news [report],” he said.

Justice Minallah also recalled that Rana Shamim had said that the affidavit was never given to anyone. To this, Ansar Abbasi replied that Rana Shamim never told him that the affidavit was not supposed to be published.

The court, consequently, directed the journalist to read the news story and state whatever he wanted to say in a counter-affidavit.

At the previous hearing, Shamim had claimed that he had given the affidavit to his grandson in a sealed envelope with instructions that it shouldn’t be opened or made public. “If my intention was contempt of court, I would have has recorded my affidavit in Pakistan and given it to the media,” he said.

The former GB chief justice has said that he had no idea who gave it to the reporter. “I don’t know how it got leaked” to the journalist, he had said.

AGP presses IHC to set date for indictment

During the proceeding, AGP Khalid Jawed urged the court to set a date for the indictment of Rana Shamim.

“The court had given him [former GB judge] the last chance to present the original affidavit today,” he said, adding that Rana Shamim voiced concerns of affidavit being leaked after leaking it himself.

Last week, the Interior Ministry placed former Gilgit-Baltistan chief justice Rana Shamim’s name on the Federal Investigation Agency’s Provisional National Identification List or PNIL, a 30-day temporary travel restriction introduced in 2018 as an alternative to ECL.

“The government is preparing to put him on the Exit Control List as well,” he revealed at a media briefing Wednesday. “This is a very serious matter as it has jeopardized the credibility of the judiciary.”

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A huge number of people have taken to the streets in Karachi demanding bolder action by the provincial and federal governments in fighting climate change.

Women, youngsters, children, and men participated in the march, which starts from Nehr-e-Khayyam and will end at the Bilawal Chowk. The demonstration began at 2pm.

The march has been organised by the Karachi Bachao Tehreek among several other civil society organisations. This year, the People’s Climate March is being held to demand justice – for this city, its environment, and its people.

According to a statement issued by the organisers, Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, is facing a climate crisis that is now a reality for its precarious citizens.

“The city is vulnerable to all kinds of climate-related risks, from drought and floods to extreme heat and rising sea level. However, instead of devising policies that preserve and protect the remaining ecology of the city and safeguard the rights of its vulnerable citizens — state institutions bolster powerful real estate developers; land, construction, and water mafias; that blatantly rob Karachi citizens of their rights to a healthy life,” it stated.

The marchers have, among many others, a few main demands:

  • End forced displacement of marginalised communities
  • A people-cratered resolution to the water crisis in Karachi
  • Right to clean air
  • Reforms in SEPA

This year’s climate march is a little different. A number of performances have been scheduled to be held at the protest where artists such as Daniyal Ahmed, and Baluch Twins will raise their voices against the Karachi impending climate crisis through their art.

from SAMAA https://ift.tt/3yjxCyv

With the start of December, the intensity of cold across Pakistan intensifies. This year, a westerly cold wave has gripped the upper and central regions of the country, according to the Pakistan Meteorological Department.

The Met Office has forecast light rain and snow in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan in the upcoming week. On Saturday, mercury in the upper parts of the provinces dipped below freezing point.

The lowest temperature of -10 degrees was recorded in Skardu, followed by Astore, Hunza, Kalam, Dir, Bagrot, and Gilgit. In Balochistan, the mercury in Quetta and Kalat was recorded at -4 degrees.

Lahore smog

The people of Lahore have been a victim of smog for over three months now. The city has, yet again, topped the list of the most polluted cities in the world.

Lahore smog
Photo: AQI

On Sunday, Lahore’s air quality level reached 209 which has been declared “very unhealthy”. Kolkata, Dhaka, and Shanghai were next in line in the list of most-polluted cities.

According to the Met Office, there are no changes of smog subsiding in the upcoming days. It has warned of fog in plain areas of Punjab as well.

According to the government, traffic is the main source of air pollution, and to counter this problem, the government is working on big projects such as more flyovers and underpasses.

Karachi winter spell

Meanwhile, on Saturday, Karachi recorded its coldest day of the season so far after the temperature in the city dropped to 10 degrees.

Experts have cautioned that cold in the city will intensify in the upcoming week.

Earlier, chief meteorologist Sardar Sarfaraz said that the first spell of winter will hit Karachi after December 6. He pointed out that the coldest winter month this year across Pakistan will be January. “This is the period you should actually be prepping up for.”

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Muhammad Ammar, a resident of Karachi, runs a small ice cream shop in Gulzar-e-Hijri. To a passerby, nothing about him may appear unusual though he has the perfect-guy-next-door personality.

However, Ammar is an international athlete and a national jiu-jitsu champion who has won more than 15 medals for Pakistan so far.

What is a world-level athlete is doing at an ice cream shop? Watch this video to find out.

from SAMAA https://ift.tt/3yfC5T2

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter account was hacked Sunday with a message declaring his country had adopted bitcoin as legal tender and was distributing the cryptocurrency to citizens.

Modi is a prolific tweeter and is the world’s most popular incumbent politician on the platform, with more than 73 million followers on his main account.

A swiftly deleted tweet from his main @narendramodi handle said the Indian government had officially bought 500 bitcoin and was “and distributing them to all residents of the country”, along with a scam link. 

His office tweeted that the account was “very briefly compromised” and that Twitter had since restored control.

It was the second time one of Modi’s Twitter accounts was hacked, after another was taken over last year to send out a tweet urging the public to donate to a fake coronavirus relief fund.

Sunday’s hack ironically comes as India prepares to clamp down on a flourishing cryptocurrency trade with a new law likely to be introduced in parliament this month.

Details of the legislation remain unclear but the government has flagged a broad ban on private digital currencies.

The local crypto market has boomed since the Indian Supreme Court overturned a previous ban last year, with Bollywood actors and cricket stars fronting ad campaigns for local exchanges. 

Modi himself said last month that cryptocurrencies could “spoil our youth” and the central bank has repeatedly warned they could pose “serious concerns on macroeconomic and financial stability”.

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The people of Gwadar have been out on the streets for more than a month. What are they demanding? Provision of basic facilities such as health, education, and infrastructure.

The ‘Gwadar Ko Haq Do Tehreek’ was launched by Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman, Balochistan’s general secretary of the Jamaat-i-Islami. He has dedicated the movement to the deprived and oppressed people of Balochistan comprising fishermen, poor labourers, and students. 

On Sunday, December 12, exactly 27 days after the movement started, Prime Minister Imran Khan tweeted something that reignited hope among the people of Gwadar.

“I have taken notice of the very legitimate demands of the hardworking fishermen of Gwadar,” the premier said. “Will be taking strong action against illegal fishing by trawlers and will also speak to CM Balochistan.”

His statement comes two days after the Gwadar saw one of its biggest protests. Hundreds and thousands of men, women, and children, took to the streets. They marched from the Seratun-Nabi Chowk, carrying placards and chanting slogans against the provincial government. 

During his speech at the march, Maulana Hidayat said that the massive participation in the rally has proven that the Balochistan government has failed its people.

The Gwadar Ko Haq Do Tehreek has 20 major demands.

  • End to illegal trawlers
  • Freedom for fishermen to go to sea 
  • Removal of unnecessary checkpoints on major roads 
  • Closure of wine shops in Gwadar 
  • No interference in cross-border trade with Iran
  • Establishment of a university in Gwadar
  • Appointments on empty seats of the education department’s non-teaching staff
  • Restricting the sale of fake medicines
  • Waivers and subsidies on utility bills
  • Release of seized cars and boats by the coastguard
  • Provision of clean drinking water
  • Priority to locals on jobs for development projects
  • Implementation on agreement with Dar Bela affectees
  • Compensation paid to Expressway affectees
  • Removal of cases on protest leaders and names from Fourth Schedule
  • Damages for losses due to storms and illegal trawlers
  • Removal of DG GDA, DC Gwadar AC Pasni
  • Implementation of quota for disabled people
  • Open Kulki point for transportation of oil and essentials

Of these, the three main demands are the end to illegal trawlers, removal of unnecessary checkpoints, and zero interference in cross-border trade with Iran.

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Australia’s Nathan Lyon said reaching the milestone of 400 Test wickets in Saturday’s big Ashes win and joining cricket’s greats had not yet sunk in.

A classical off-spinner, the 34-year-old removed Dawid Malan for 82 on the fourth day of the first Test against England to write his name in Australian sporting history.

Speaking immediately after playing a central role in Australia’s nine-wicket victory at the Gabba, Lyon said: “It hasn’t really hit me yet to be honest.

“No doubt I’ll get my phone and call my family and friends, and that will probably hit a little bit closer to home, I guess.

“But it’s something that I’m very proud of, there’s no doubt about that. It’s been some hard toil to get it, but it’s very rewarding, that’s for sure.”

Ahead of the Test, Lyon had nominated England captain Joe Root as the scalp he would like as his 400th, given they have played so much against each other.

He had to make do with Malan, with Marnus Labuschagne taking the catch at silly mid-off.

Lyon, in his 101st Test and after a decade on the team, became just the 16th player worldwide to achieve the feat and only the third Australian after Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath.

Sri Lankan legend Muttiah Muralitharan tops the all-time Test wicket-takers with 800, followed by Warne on 708.

England star Jimmy Anderson is third on 632, but was overlooked for the Brisbane Test, as was fellow paceman Stuart Broad, who is sixth on the list with 524.

Lyon took 4-91 in the second innings to move to 403 wickets overall.

Next in his sights is West Indian great Curtly Ambrose, who has 405 wickets.

Australian captain Pat Cummins stressed how important Lyon was to the team.

“He’s our most important bowler, not just for wicket-taking, but you saw how many overs he bowled yesterday,” Cummins said.

“He went for two and a half an over for 20 overs on a hot day.”

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The Sindh High Court has instructed the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation to end the illegal occupation of 4,000 plots in Baldia and Orangi towns originally allotted to cottage industries.

At a hearing on Saturday, KMC lawyer Hassan Abidi revealed that the plots were allotted to small cottage industries but the land was sold to other people by the Federal Board of Revenue.

“Some of the plots have been encroached upon as well,” he said.

Justice Zafar Ahmed Rajput asked Abidi to whom was the land originally allotted. “It was reserved for small-scale industries,” he replied.

This irked the court. “Even if 10 people are employed at a factory and four factories are constructed on the land, it will mean livelihood for 40 people in the province. This will bring more revenue for the Sindh government in the form of taxes,” Justice Rajput remarked.

If projects are not completed on time, the chances of land being illegally occupied will increase, he added.

The court, consequently, directed KMC to conduct a survey of the plots within two days and submit a report in court by December 17. “Any obstruction caused in the survey should be dealt with as per the law.”

After the Supreme Court, the Sindh High Court, too, has started a rampage against encroachments in Karachi.

from SAMAA https://ift.tt/3lReUta

It’s always difficult to find your way around in a new place, especially if it’s a foreign country and you don’t speak the language. This is probably what happened with the Chinese national who lost his way when he got out of Karachi’s Jinnah International Airport and reached the other end of the city in Katti Pahari early Saturday.

Police said that they received information that a Chinese man was roaming around the area. He seemed lost and he had luggage with him.

Shahrah-e-Noor Jahan Police Station’s SHO reached the spot and found the man.

He has been identified as Mao Fenkin and came to Pakistan on a business visa.

Police said he ended up in Katti Pahari due to some misunderstanding and has now been move to a hotel.

from SAMAA https://ift.tt/3pL2e8f

The price tag on Katrina Kaif’s Sabyasachi bridal lehenga could take you to the cleaners.

Katrina and Vicky tied the knot this week after weeks of speculation and intensive media coverage. They exchanged wedding vows at Six Senses Fort Barwara, a sprawling resort with two temples and a palace originally owned by the Rajasthan royal family.

The couple chose India’s most popular designer Sabyasachi for their big day. Katrina wore a red silk lehenga with traditional jewellery and Vicky opted for an ivory silk sherwani with an embroidered shawl.

According to reports by Indian media, Katrina’s embellished lehenga costs a whopping INR1.7 million ($9,800). Although Katrina paired her ensemble with jewellery from the same designer, her engagement ring came from Tiffany. Katrina wore a choker, matha patti, jhumkas and statement bangles by Sabyasachi.

The reports of Katrina and Vicky’s wedding started circulating in October. Neither Katrina nor Vicky broke silence on their wedding until this week when Katrina shared photos from the event on Instagram herself.

Katrina and Vicky were reportedly engaged in August. The rumours about them dating first surfaced in 2019. The couple was married in an elaborate but strictly private ceremony with a sangeet and Punjabi-style mehendi.

Katrina and Vicky are expected to move into a sea-facing mansion in the same building that houses power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli. 

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Bollywood stars are setting the stage on fire at Riyadh Season 2021 in Saudi Arabia.

Shilpa Shetty, Jacqueline Fernandez, Ayush Sharma, Sohail Khan, Sunil Grover, Guru Randhawa and others are part of Salman Khan’s Da-Bangg tour in Saudi Arabia. They will perform comic acts, dance and hit songs at the live concert.

Salman, during a media talk on Friday, expressed gratitude to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for inviting Bollywood stars and giving them the opportunity to hold a grand event.

“We from our side promise that we will come here more often, we will do our best to entertain you, we will get our movies here, we will get our concerts here, we will give you my kind of entertainment, good, clean, enjoyable entertainment,” was what Salman promised Riyadh.

Photos and videos from Salman Khan’s electrifying performances are doing the rounds on social media. He performed with Shilpa Shetty to an audience of more than 80,000 people.

Salman performed to popular songs such as Oh Oh Jane Jana and Joote De Do Paise Le Lo.

In October, American rapper Pitbull performed at the opening concert at Riyadh Season. The arts and culture festival will run for the next three months. It is being organised by the General Entertainment Authority with 7,500 events planned across Riyadh, ranging from music, sports, arts to food.

There will be 70 concerts featuring regional artists and six acts with international performers. The mega event is part of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s Vision 2030.

Riyadh Season will end in March 2022.

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The streets of Gwadar echoed with slogans Friday afternoon after tens of thousands of people in the city marched for their rights.

The protesters were led by Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman, Balochistan’s general secretary of the Jamaat-i-Islami and leader of the ‘Gwadar ko haq do tehreek’. The movement was launched 26 days ago.

On Friday, the demonstrators marched from the Seratun-Nabi Chowk, carrying placards and chanting slogans against the provincial government. A huge number of women and children participated in the march as well.

The demonstrators demanded the provision of basic facilities such as health, education, and infrastructure in all cities of Balochistan.

During his speech, Maulana Hidayat said that his movement was dedicated to the deprived and oppressed people of Balochistan comprising fishermen, poor labourers, and students. “We will continue our protests until all our demands are met and implemented,” he said.

The JI leader remarked that the participation of hundreds of people in Friday’s march has proven that the Balochistan government has failed its people. He called it a “referendum against the provincial and federal governments”.

According to the protesters, there were more people who wanted to participate from Karachi and Sindh but they couldn’t because the police blocked the coastal highways and stopped buses and coaches from traveling to Gwadar.

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Star Pakistan weightlifter Talha Talib has won the country’s first-ever medal at the World Weightlifting Championship.

The 22-year-old bagged a Bronze at the snatch event in the 67kg category in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

He wasn’t at his best and looked to be struggling due to niggles. The weightlifter lifted 143kg in his first attempt in the snatch event in the 67kg competition.

His following attempts of lifting 146kg and 147kg were unsuccessful, but the lift of 143kg in the first attempt was enough for him to secure a medal for Pakistan.

Last year, Talha won the Bronze medal in the same category at the Asian Championship.

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Atif Aslam is set to make his television debut and his fans couldn’t be more excited.

Atif has made a name for himself not only here but proved his vocals across the border too. He has given Bollywood some of the biggest chartbusters, including Pehli Nazar Mein and Tera Hone Laga Hoon.

Atif became an overnight success in India after his song Woh Lamhe was included in the 2005 film Zeher. He continued his streak of successful songs with chartbusters such as Tere Liye and Mein Rang Sharbaton Ka

But he has not limited himself to music. In 2011, Atif made his acting debut with Shoaib Mansoor’s acclaimed social drama Bol. The film featured Mahira Khan and Humaima Malick in the lead.

Now after nearly 10 years, Atif is all set to make his television debut with drama serial Sang-e-Mah. He will appear with Hania Aamir and Naumaan Ijaz in an avatar like never before.

Atif’s first look from the serial has excited his fans.

They are planning to make Atif Aslam a top trend on the day Sang-e-Mah premieres.

Sang-e-Mah is one of the most anticipated dramas of 2022.

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Pakistan Hockey team has reportedly left for Bangladesh without a goalkeeper to participate in the upcoming Asian Champions Trophy event.

The event is scheduled to start from December 14 in Dhaka.

According to Geo News, the Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) has named two goalkeepers in the squad which boarded the plane earlier in the day.

However, none of them were able to travel to Bangladesh as they are still waiting for visas.

Following a below-par performance from Abdullah and Waqar, who were part of Pakistan’s junior team, the federation had added two more goalkeepers – Amjad Ali and Mazhar Abbas – to the camp.

The Green Shirts are scheduled to be in action against Japan on the opening day of the tournament.

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