Hundreds march in Karachi demanding climate justice

A huge number of people have taken to the streets in Karachi demanding bolder action by the provincial and federal governments in fighting climate change.

Women, youngsters, children, and men participated in the march, which starts from Nehr-e-Khayyam and will end at the Bilawal Chowk. The demonstration began at 2pm.

The march has been organised by the Karachi Bachao Tehreek among several other civil society organisations. This year, the People’s Climate March is being held to demand justice – for this city, its environment, and its people.

According to a statement issued by the organisers, Karachi, the largest city of Pakistan, is facing a climate crisis that is now a reality for its precarious citizens.

“The city is vulnerable to all kinds of climate-related risks, from drought and floods to extreme heat and rising sea level. However, instead of devising policies that preserve and protect the remaining ecology of the city and safeguard the rights of its vulnerable citizens — state institutions bolster powerful real estate developers; land, construction, and water mafias; that blatantly rob Karachi citizens of their rights to a healthy life,” it stated.

The marchers have, among many others, a few main demands:

  • End forced displacement of marginalised communities
  • A people-cratered resolution to the water crisis in Karachi
  • Right to clean air
  • Reforms in SEPA

This year’s climate march is a little different. A number of performances have been scheduled to be held at the protest where artists such as Daniyal Ahmed, and Baluch Twins will raise their voices against the Karachi impending climate crisis through their art.

from SAMAA

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